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Ideas to lose fat faster

In case you are now beginning to a process of weight loss but is lost and never know how to start, allow the 10 Rapid and handy hints to speed up the fat burning process in your body while looking after your muscles.


To reduce fat abdomes is essential to be familiar with how much what you eat and the calories they contain.

Eat natural foods like fruits, vegetables and cereals integrals, and extra virgin olive oil crude and lean protein , preferably chicken or turkey without skin, fish, avoiding simple carbohydrates like white bread, refined pasta, carbonated beverages, convenience foods, sweets and fats.

Supplment your diet vegetables like asparagus , which work as a diuretic to ease water retention, which then causes inflammation and swelling from the stomach cucumbers, which reduce water retention and help with satiety, preventing overeating, and kale, which maintains the degrees of blood sugar levels constant to avoid increasing cravings that you just only provide excess calories .Use cooking methods such as boiled, steamed, grilled, baked and poached, and prevent deep fried foods and sauces.

Drink plenty of water, a minimum of two liters daily, in addition to moisturize the skin and your body eliminates toxic waste, maintains good intestinal health insurance proper weight.

Build a deficit of 500 calories each day so you can reduce about one kilo of fat every week.

Other Useful Tips

1. Always use the exercises compounds in the training like squats, deadlifts, the bench press, chin-ups and Olympic lifts.

2. You don’t need to nibble on 100% “clean” to create weight-loss, but be consuming fewer calories than you spend on. Porting, rather than falling parachute in an extremely restricted diet and that can make you lose heart in a matter of days , focus mainly on reduced calorie consumption and after that be worried about other details.

3. Make an effort to shorten some time you rest , arrive between 10 and a minute. In that way you’ll get higher response of hgh, GH.

4. Aerobic won’t bring any benefit in terms of weight-loss, if calorie intake is inaccurate.

5. Try to not only contain the isolation exercises which will only use one joint , like concentrated threaded extension or feathers.

6. Train always heavy and intense to the point of generating an anabolic response . Improve your growth hormone will be a priority, because their outcome will probably be shedding fat .